Horray!!!, Ourschool had a special event guys!! Taruna school will celebrate its anniversary. GOOD LUCK! Taruna and Prosperity ever and ever! Keep spirit n’ ceria!
Friday 2 January 2009
The ceremony was beginning. I, was at Senior High Class, year one. I stand up at the south of the field with my friends from same class. The ceremony was followed by all Taruna school personnel, include all of the teachers. The teachers made a line in the front of us. We felt happy at there. At the end, they announced the best teacher that thought in Taruna for a long period. It was a good award I think, to give respect to old people. There were Mr. Wahyudi and Mrs. Endang received the award. But I didn’t remember, who got another. Their face looked happy, and all of students gave applause to them.
After 20 minutes, the ceremony was over. Suddenly the master ceremony told the students to move at the side of field. They will pleased the kindergarten student to performed their dance. In a minute, there were some small girls in the center of field. They danced beautifully. They were so cute!
Thursday 14, Wednesday 2009
Senior Student’s organization (OSIS) , had made a plan about this event. For Monday, all senior high school student’s would had a class meeting. There were Football, Flying Kite, Basketball, and Volley Competition. All of students were happy, because they had done the semester I test. Looked like, They had forgotten about how hard the test. They enjoyed all of the event.
At this day Taruna held (Jalan Sehat) “take a walk tour”. The event was followed byall Taruna school member and also the student parents too! So it was a crowd event. At 6.00, Taruna Chief, open “take a walk tour” by cutting the purple ribbon. After that all participants started to take a walk. At a pos, they must showed their ticket, to the OSIS, and they will get mark. At finished line, they need put the certain part of ticked at the box, and the another part of ticket stay at their hand. The ticket will be randomized. At the school, the were a bazaar! Mmm… taste yummy! After we took walk, we ate the delicious food and beverages, example, brownies, Mie hun, Segho goreng, Jagung Bakar, Rujak, Es campur , and so on. And our friends entertained us with their crazy music, dance, fashion show at the stage. They made the students enjoyed and they are picked a door prize too from the ticket box. The main present was a bicycle, and a girl from elementary school got it. It was a wonderful day, the students back to home after the main door prize had gotten. Exactly at 01.00 PM.